Boko Haram Kills Three Nigerian Refugees In Cameroon

Two suspected female Boko Haram suicide planes have slaughtered three Nigerians in a truck brimming with displaced people in a town in Cameroon's far north district. The primary bomb went off amid a security check and it is indistinct if the second plane had exploded her bomb or whether she had been killed first by Cameroonian powers.

In the interim in the Republic of Chad, the Government there has announced a highly sensitive situation in the Lake Chad locale after a progression of assaults and suicide bombings there by Boko Haram.

Chad's Communications Minister, Hassan Sylla Bakari, said that the request, as of now, would give powers new powers to hunt and screen occupants in the district.

This is coming as Senegal says that it has captured five individuals associated with connections to the organization.

A senior Justice Ministry authority says that the five were captured in October in suburbia of Senegal's capital, Dakar and the focal town of Kaolak, more than 2,500 km (1,500 miles) Nigeria.

A judge has accused them of asserted relations with a terrorism association, financing of terrorism and tax evasion, the authority included.

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