Tyga I Don't Owe Rent ... I'm Buyin' the Damn House

Tyga says the ousting claim his legal advisor documented against him is counterfeit, on the grounds that he's NOT a leaseholder ... he's a homebuyer ... what's more, in the event that he's correct it's the most botched home buy ever.

As indicated by Tyga, he plunked $200,000 down on the Calabasas house an entire year prior and the landowner let him know he could move in amid escrow, without paying any rent.

On the off chance that that has neither rhyme nor reason, get this. Tyga says the escrow should close numerous months prior, yet didn't on account of the merchant didn't furnish Tyga's save money with data that would permit the advance to be prepared.

The proprietor can't help disagreeing, and says Tyga is a squatta.

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